Best Yoga Teacher Training in bangalore
Internationally Accredited:
Enroll in our Yoga Teacher Training program, accredited by Yoga Alliance International and the World Yoga Federation.
Upon completion, you'll also receive coaching for the Yoga Wellness Certification-Level 2, endorsed by the Yoga Certification Board, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India.
This globally recognized certification is valid in India and worldwide. Whether you aspire to become a certified yoga teacher or enhance your understanding and practice of yoga, our comprehensive course is tailored for you.
Join us on this transformative journey!
Our primary objective is to provide you with a comprehensive program designed not only to train you as an exceptional yoga instructor but also to facilitate the restoration of body equilibrium. This training places a strong emphasis on cultivating both physical and mental strength, along with fostering mindfulness. Explore the diverse realms of yoga, delve into its rich history, and uncover the myriad benefits that come with this transformative practice. Join us on a journey of self-discovery and holistic well-being.
Explore firsthand experiences from our successful graduates of the Yoga Teacher Training program. Hear directly from individuals who have not only completed the training but have also begun imparting their knowledge to people globally. View the accompanying video to gain valuable insights into how they have immensely benefited from this program.
Anusha, IT Engineer, Residing -Saudi Arabia.
Sindhura, Marketing Professional, Residing - Bangalore.
Rachita, IT Engineer, Residing - Bangalore.
Kavitha,IT professional, Residing - USA
Discover the Unique Advantages of Choosing Kushiyogalaya's Yoga Teacher Training
Students who are interested in pursuing a career as yoga instructors are trained by us for the Ayush level-two certification granted by the Yoga Certification Board, Government of India.
This certification is accepted around the world.
Opportunities for work both in India and overseas.
The candidates are eligible to apply for government jobs in certain states.
Enjoy travel opportunities abroad, especially during International Yoga Day
Attain three distinguished yoga certifications from renowned institutions, enhancing your path to holistic wellbeing
Yoga TeacherTraining Faculty for this Course
Meet our instructor, Rohit, a seasoned yoga practitioner with extensive experience. Trained under renowned yoga gurus, Rohit is dedicated to sharing his wealth of knowledge with students. With a track record of training over a thousand students, they have experienced numerous benefits from his yoga sessions. Rohit's classes are carefully crafted to support recovery from both physical and emotional ailments. Join us on a journey to well-being under Rohit's expert guidance.
Mr. Rohit-
RYT - 500 Hrs, Yoga Alliance International
-Yoga Wellness Instructor - Level 2
YCB, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India
-Yoga Teacher and Evaluator - Level 3
( YCB, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India )
-Post Graduate Diploma in Yoga -
( Graduated from Annamalai University)
-Holistic Nutrition Coach
-Author and Blogger
Students can attend physically or online Live interactive yoga session.
Participate in our sessions at the Yoga studio in Nandhinilayout, Bangalore, or join us online for a live and interactive experience, regardless of whether you're in another city or country.
Who Can Enroll For This Course
If You Want To Improve Your Own Practice this Is a Place To Go.
If You Want To Improve Your Yoga Skills and Asanas this is a place to go.
If you'd like to turn your hobby into a side hustle
If you enjoy being part of the Yoga Community and want to share your knowledge with others.
If you are interested in learning more about yoga and philosophy, this is the place to go
If you want to feel more confident and capable of flowing through the asanas with ease, this is the place to be
What Can You Expect From This Course
Trainers with a lot of expertise lead a live interactive session.
High-quality instruction based on the World Yoga Federation Requirements.
Tips and techniques for becoming a successful yoga instructor.
Gain More control over your practice.
Q & A with expert educators | Regular-time guidance.
Students who have finished 200hrs TTC will be subsequently trained for the Ayush Level-2 Exam ( Yoga Certification Board, Govt of India)
Theory Session On Weekdays -
Morning: 11.30 am to 12.30 pm
Evening: 8.15 pm to 9.15 pm
Practical Session on Weekdays - ( Pick any slot from the following batch timing )
6 am to 7 am
7 am to 8 am
8.30 am to 9.30 am
6 pm to 7 pm
7 pm to 8 pm
Duration of this Course : 3 Months
Fees – Price Rs 35,000/-
(Kindly Note – Fees are non-returnable, non-refundable, and non-transferable once paid.)
Enroll now with one of the leading online yoga course providers to become a successful CYT - CYT-Certified yoga Teacher.
Exciting oppurtunities Await after your yoga teacher training course
Embark on the Yoga Teacher Training Course where participants learn the art of teaching yoga to healthy adults. Our program, guided by highly qualified and enthusiastic instructors, is designed to equip you with the skills to effectively impart yoga to others. Join us on this transformative journey of education and empowerment.
Who are eligible to apply for the course?
Anyone interested in Yoga teacher training can do so even if they have no prior yoga experience. Everyone is welcome, but the minimum age requirement is 18 years.
How will the classes be conducted online?
The Zoom App will be used to conduct the meeting. Students can participate in the session using their laptops or mobile phones. The session will be more productive if you have a fast internet connection.
What are the guidelines for students during class?
Wear Comfortable clothing that lets you move freely in asanas.
The yoga session should be done on an empty stomach or with at least a three-hour break between heavy meals and light meals.
For taking notes, keep a notepad and a pen on hand.
A high-speed and reliable internet connection.
Choose a location that is free of noise and movement.
how are the doubts clarified?
The last 5 to 10 minutes are set out for any doubts or clarification. Students can use Zoom Meeting's raise hand option.​
Do we get the course material ?
Yes, you will receive a PDF of the course materials to use as a reference.
what do we learn in this course?
Yoga Philosophy
Teaching Methodology
Unit-1: Introduction to Yoga and Yogic Practices
Yoga: Etymology, Definitions (Patanjala Yoga Sutra, Bhagavad Gita & Kathopanishad), Aim, Objectives, and Misconceptions.
Yoga: Its origin, history, and development
Brief Introduction to Samkhya and Yoga Darshana.
Life sketches and teachings of Yoga masters (Maharishi Ramana, Shri Aurobindo Swami Vivekananda, Swami Dayananda Saraswati).
Principles of Yoga and practices of healthy living.
Principles and Practices of Jnana Yoga.
Principles and Practices of Bhakti Yoga.
Principles and Practices of Karma Yoga.
Concept and principles of Sukshma Vyayama, Sthula Vyayama, Surya Namaskara and their significance in Yoga Sadhana.
Concept and principles of Shatkarma: Meaning, Types, Principles and their significance in Yoga Sadhana.
Concept and principles of Yogasana: Meaning, Definition, Types and their significance in Yoga Sadhana.
Concept and principles of Pranayama: Meaning, Definition, Types and their significance in Yoga Sadhana.
Introduction to Tri Bandha and their health benefits.
Dhyana and its significance in health and well being.
Introduction to Yogic relaxation techniques with special reference to Yoga Nidra.
Unit-2: Introduction to Yoga Texts
2.1 Introduction to Prasthanatrayi, Purushartha Chatushtaya, and the goal of human life.
2.2 Yoga in Kathopnishad, Prashanopanishad, and Tattiriyopanishad with special emphasis on Panchakosha Vivek and Ananda Mimamsa.
2.3 Concept of Sthitaprajna, Bhakti, Karma, and Dhyana in Bhagavad Gita.
2.4 Significance of Bhagavad Gita in day-to-day life.
2.5 Concept of healthy living in Bhagavad Gita (Ahara, Vihara, Achara, Vichara).
2.6 Study of Patanjala Yoga Sutra including selected sutras from the following chapters (I-1 to 12, II- 46 to 51, III-1 to 4).
2.7 Concept of Chitta, Chitta Bhumi, Chitta Vritti, Chitta Vikshepa, Chittaprasadanam
and their relationship with wellness.
2.8 Bahiranga Yoga of Maharishi Patanjali (Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama,
2.9 Antaranga Yoga of Maharisi Patanjali (Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi).
2.10 Concept of mental well-being according to Patanjala Yoga.
2.11 Hatha Yoga: Its parampara, knowledge of basic Yoga texts (Hatha Pradipika and Gherand Samhita). Relationship between Hatha Yoga and Raja Yoga.
2.12 Concept of Sadhaka and Badhaka Tattva, principles to be followed by Hatha Yoga practitioner.
2.13 Concept of Matha,Mithahara,Pathya and Apathya
2.14 Concept of Nadis,Prana and Pranayama for Subjective experiences.
2.15 Knowledge of Hatha yoga Practices for Wellness (Shatkarma,Asana,Pranayama,Mudra,Nadanusandhana)
Unit-3: Yoga For Wellness
3.1 General introduction to the human body and nine major systems of the human body.
3.2 Introduction to sensory organs (Eyes, Nose, Ears, Tongue, and Skin).
3.3 Basic functions of nine major systems of the human body and homeostasis.
3.4 Yogic concept of health and wellness.
3.5 Concept of Tridoshas, Sapta Dhatu, Agni, Vayu, and Mala; their role in wellness.
3.6 Concept of Dinacharya and Ritucharya and their importance in well-being.
3.7 Importance of Ahara, Nidra, and Brahmacharya in well-being.
3.8 Yogic concept of mental hygiene: Maître, Karuna, Mudita & Upeksha).
3.9 Importance of psychosocial environment for health and wellness.
3.10 Yogic concept and principles of Ahara (Mitahara, Yuktahara).
3.11 Health benefits of Suryanamaskara, Shatkarma, Asana, Pranayama, and practices leading to Dhyana (as per the practical syllabus of the course).
3.12 Salient features and contra-indications of Yoga practice for well-being (as per the practical syllabus of the course).
3.13 Knowledge of common diseases; their prevention and management by Yoga.
3.14 Knowledge of the role of Yoga in the management of non-communicable diseases.
3.15 Concept of stress and Yogic management of stress and its consequences
Practical Syllabus:
1. Prayer
1.1 Concept and Recitation of Pranava.
1.2 Concept and Recitation of Hymns
1.3 Selected Universal Prayers, Invocations, and Nishpatti Bhava
2. Yogic Shat Karma
2.1 Neti: Sutra Neti and Jala Neti
2.2 Dhauti: Vamana Dhauti ( Kunjal )
2.3 Kapalbhati ( Vatakrama)
3. Yogic Sukshma Vyayama ( Micro Circulation Practices )
Neck Movement
Griva Shakti Vikasaka ( I,II,IIl,lV)
Shoulder Movement
Bhuja Valli Shakti Vikasaka
Purna Bhuja Shakti Vikasaka
Trunk Movement
Kati Shakti Vikasaka (1, Il, III, IV, V)
Knee Movement
Jangha Shakti Vikasaka (II-A&B )
Janu Shakti Vikasaka
Ankle Movement
Pada-mula shakti Vikasaka-A&B
Gulpha-pada-pristha-pada-tala shakti Vikasaka
b. Yogic Sthula Vyayama ( Macro circulation practices )
Sarvanga Pushti
Hrid Gati ( Engine Daud )
4. Yogic Surya Namaskara with Mantra
5. Yogasana
5.1 Tadasana, Hastottanasana, Vrikshasana
5.2 Ardha Chakrasana, Padahastasana
5.3 Trikonasana, Parshva Konasana, Katichakrasana
5.4 Dandasana, Padmasana, Vajarasana,
5.5 Y ogamudrasana, Parvatasana
5.6 Bhadrasana, Mandukasana, Ushtrasana, Shashankasana, Uttana Mandukasana,
5.7 Pasch i mottanasana, Purvottanasana
5.8 Vakrasana, Ardha Matsyendrasana, Gomukhasana
5.9 Makarasana, Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana
5.10 Pavanamuktasana and its variations
5.11 Uttanapadasana, Ardha Halasana, Setubandhasana, Sarala-Matsyasana
5.12 Shavasana,
6. Preparatory Breathing Practices
6.1 Sectional Breathing (Abdominal, Thoracic, and Clavicular Breathing)
6.2 Yogic Deep Breathing
6.3 Anuloma Viloma/ Nadi Shodhana
7. Pranayama
7. l Concept of Puraka, Rechaka and Kumbhaka
7.2 Ujjayee Pranayama (Without Kumbhaka)
7.3 Sheetalee Pranayama (Without Kumbhaka)
7.4 Sitkaree Pranayama (Without Kumbhaka)
7.5 Bhramaree Pranayama (Without Kumbhaka)
8. Concept and Demonstration of Bandha
8.1 Jalandhara Bandha
8.2 Uddiyana Bandha
8.3 Mula Bandha
9. Concept and Demonstration of Mudra
9.1 Yoga Mudra
9.2 Maha Mudra
9.3 Vipareetakarani Mudra
10. Practices Leading to Dhyana Sadhana
10.1 Body awareness and Breath awareness
10.2 Yoga Nidra
10.3 Antarmauna
10.4 Recitation of Pranava and Soham
10.5 Recitation of Hymns
10.6 Practice of Dhyana
Teaching Skills ( Methods of Teaching Yoga )
1.1 Teaching methods with special reference to Yoga
1.2 Factors influencing Yoga teaching
1.3 Need of teaching practice and its use in Yogic practice.
1.4 Teaching Aids : Meaning and Need, Role of Language, Voice, Fluency, Clarity and Body language in an ideal presentation
1.5 Methods of teaching Yoga to an individual, small group and large group
1.6 Lecture cum demonstration in Yoga: Its meaning, importance and method of its Presentation
1.7 Lesson plan: Its meaning and need
1.8 Preparation of lesson plan in Yoga, Preparation of lesson plan for an individual and for a group
1.9 Presentation of lessons in specific Yogic practices: Kriya, Asana, Pranayama, and Dhyana.
1.10 Assessment of a Yoga class (Detection and Correction of Mistakes)
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Saraswathi Puram main road
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Bangalore - 560096