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Writer's pictureN Rohit

Yoga to Tackle Asthma in Bangalore

Updated: Aug 25, 2019

Bangalore has witnessed a increased cases of respiratory disease in recent years. Asthma cases surges usually during August to December in Bengaluru and the reason would be change in temperature,the unseasonal rains. Further to make the matter worse the rise in pollution due to vehicle smoke is also a significant contributor for people getting respiratory diseases.

What is Asthma?

Asthma is a condition where your airways narrow due to inflammation and swell and then produce mucus. This is a situation when breathing becomes difficult and may result in coughing,wheezing and shortness of breath. For some this could be a minor issue and it could be life threatening in few cases.

Attacks of asthma are being sponsored by both physical and psychological factors . It may be triggered by emotions ,environmental extremes ( extreme cold exposure ) and viral infections. Asthma attacks can also be triggered in brain itself. A person who is allergic to particular thing may get get asthma attacks merely on looking at that. Emotion generating thoughts lying the subconscious level lead to asthma attack.

How Yoga helps in Asthma.

Exercise gives a natural relief for asthma patients,but the intense physical activities in aerobic activities like running,cycling may be challenging. Yoga is slow and relaxing.Yoga along with Pranayama brings a greater amount of relief in patients suffering due to asthma. The causes of asthma are physical,psychological ,genetic or environmental. Whatever the reason may be,yoga acts as a shield for asthmatic patients and helps you have better control of it.

7 best Asanas and Pranayama which gives you a relief:

1. Anulom vilom:

Anulom vilom is the most widely practiced and most basic breathing techniques of yoga . It is also known as alternate breathing technique ,It assists proper functioning of the lungs,reduce stress and lifts up your mood.

How to do

- Sit in sukhasana with your hands resting sideways on the knees,or people who have better mobility in knees can sit in padmasana and ensure your spine is erect.

- Begin to inhale slowly from your left nostril while you close your right nostril with your rightthumb ,inhale till you fillup your lungs.

- Now, exhale slowly from the right nostril. Now close your left nostril with right ring finger and exhale slowly from the right nostril.

Repeat the sequence same on opposite side. Do this atleast for 5 minutes. Ensure you focus on your breath on each inhalation and exhalation.

2. Upavistha Konasana:

Upavista konasana or the seated wide angle pose is done by sitting on floor and spreading the legs apart as wide as possible. Once the legs are spread apart you must bend forward till your forehead reaches the floor and your spine is maintained straight. This pose being an intermediate level require great amount of flexibility and must be done under guidance of a experienced yoga instructor.

How upavista konasana helps:

While doing this pose ,the upper body is stretched which opens up the lungs and eases breathing.

It is known to calm brain and destress your mind which is a vital aspect on controlling asthma.

3. Ardha matsyendrasana:

Sit with legs straight in front and entire body is relaxed. Lift your right leg up and sole of the right foot must be placed on the floor on the outside of the left knee. Bend the left leg and place the left heel beside right buttock. The buttocks remain on the floor while the spine is straight and relaxed. From Here

· Bring the left arm to the outside of the right knee and hold the right ankle.

· Twist the upper body as far as possible to the right, place the right arm across the back and gaze over the right shoulder..

· Stay here for a while or for few breaths and return to starting position.

· Repeat the sequence on the other side.

How this pose helps:

Ardha matsyendrasana stretches the chest and opens up giving the way for more oxygen to enter the lungs and improving its uptake.This pose is known to reduce the possibility of getting the asthma attack.

4. Setubandhasana:

This Asana name is derived from Sanskrit word Setu which means bridge.bandha means lock and asana is posture.This pose is called so,as it looks like a Bridge.This pose stretches your neck,back,chest and soothes your body.This pose can be alternate for those who have difficulty in doing the chakrasan.

How to do it:

* Lie flat on your back on Mat.

* Bend both your legs and bring the heels close to buttocks.

* Hold the ankles with both the hands.

* From here Inhale and lift your pelvic region off the floor and your lower body is supported by feet. Ensure your chin is close to collar bone.

* Hold the pose for few breaths then exhale and release.

Caution: People with neck injuries must avoid or must be done after consulting the doctor ,even for a beginner this must be done under guidance of experienced yoga teacher.

Practising this pose reduces stress,anxiety,and calms the brain, the lungs are opened up and supports in breathing.

5. Sarvangasana:

Sarvangasana is packed with many health benefits along with its effect on reducing Asthma.This is also called shoulder stand and sometimes referred to as queen of asanas due its multibenefits.

How to do it:

* Lie flat on the mat and your hands beside hips and palms facing floor

* Press your palms on floor and inhale lift both the legs up and during the momentum fold your hands and place them on back of your ribs.

* Your legs are raised vertically straight and your body weight is balanced on neck and shoulder.

* Stay there for few breaths and lower your leg on floor

How it helps:

In Sarvangasana ,the chin is close to collar bone and the head stays on the ground in a fixed position.The supply to the head and neck is intensified. This helps to get rid of nasal congestion and common cold which could be a trigger factor for asthma.

6. Purvottanasana:

Purvottanasana is a balancing pose that makes one powerful,it is stimulating and gives strength. The name is derived from Sanskrit word Purva-east,uttana-intense stretch and asana-pose.This Asana is also called upwards plank. This pose requires flexibility in ankle as the entire feet is on ground when the body is lifted up.

* Sit in dandasana with your legs forward and place your palms beside hips.

* Inhale and lift your hips off the floor then your body is supported only with hands and heels.

* From here place your entire feet on floor firmly and hold for few breaths.

* Come back in seated position and rest.

How it helps:

Purvottanasana as mentioned is energizing and stimulates mind and brings positivity.It is known to work on your respiratory system. It helps you to stay calm and composed as well as enables one to be strong by strengthening wrists,arms and back. It is known to stop the asthma attacks when practiced frequently.

7. Shavasana:

Shavasana is a relaxative pose usually done at the end of Yoga Practice. It is also a method of cooling down after a intense workout. This pose when translated to English means corpse pose ,it is stated because it requires you to stay immobile like a dead body.

How it helps:

Shavasana relaxes your entire body and mind and takes away any built-up anxiety or pressure. It brings you into a meditative state and completely refreshes you.The pose helps you to be calm and composed which is crucial to tackle asthma.

Yoga helps you to breathe properly and deeply. Breathing is a natural process however due many disturbances in mind ,there‘s a tendency that respiration rate is at abnormal level which makes it difficult to breathe properly. When one practice yoga the breathing pattern is improved to a slow and steady which is significant for reducing the asthma attacks. Its always better to find a experienced yoga teacher and practice this asanas which might help the people with asthma tackle in better way.

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