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Writer's pictureN Rohit

10 effective poses of yoga for weight loss

Updated: Dec 17, 2020

Why should we keep the Weight in Control?

Before we discuss the weight loss methods, let us know why it is very important to lose weight

Some Facts and Figures about being overweight.

  • More than 135 million individuals were concerned about Obesity in India.

  • The predominance of obesity in India is varying from rural to urban and state wise.

  • People dwelling in urban locations and States with high socioeconomic status were found to be having higher obesity prevalence.

Obesity might result in health complications such as hypertension, Type 2 Diabetes, Coronary heart disease, Degenerative joint disease.

What makes a person gain more weight and become obese?

Generally, when greater quantities of Energy ( in the form of food ) are entered into the body than expended the bodyweight increases and there could be other causes too that make a person obese. Example - Psychogenic or over nutrition, Genetic Factors, Genetic Lipton, Genes Hormones, Lack of Physical Activity.

How to Lose Weight holistically

Weight loss can be accomplished by sticking to a proper diet plan and burning calories through workouts. The person aspiring to reduce weight holistically must work on both aspects to see the optimal results. Read on to know the methods in detail which gives guaranteed results to lose weight.

Before we plan a fitness regime like yoga to burn calories below are some of the requisites mentioned step by step which we must understand and implement first for authentic results.

  1. Know Your BMI: BMI abbreviated as Body Mass Index, is a measurement of a person's weight with respect to his or her height. The WHO defines an adult who has a BMI Between 25 and 29.9 as Overweight. A person who has a BMI of 30 or higher is considered obese. A BMI below 18.5 is considered underweight. And 18.5 to 24.9 is considered a Healthy Weight.

Now Calculate your BMI to know if you are in any of the following category Overweight, Obese, underweight, and healthy weight

BMI is measured by dividing the weight by height squared.

Let us consider this analogy :

Ram weighs 90 kgs and his height is 1.78 meters then his BMI would be 90/1.78X1.78= 28 which is overweight. Suppose if ram has to hit the BMI of 22 to maintain a healthy weight then his Proportionate weight must be 70 Kgs.

2. Set the Weight reduction target which is Holistic.

Now you know your current weight and Ideal weight, the difference is what must be reduced. It's obvious that we all aim to lose weight faster, but evidence shows that people who lose weight gradually and steadily ( About 1 pound/week ) are more successful at keeping weight off. The below Graphical representation would be an ideal method for your Weight loss Goal.

Below is an example of how ram could plan his weight loss in a Holistic manner, as illustrated in the graph his excess weight of 20 kgs must be reduced in 10 months for which his reduction per month is only 2 kgs.

3> Know your BMR ( Basal Metabolic rate ): Your BMR can be used as a reference to know what must be the daily intake of food that help you gain, lose or maintain your weight by knowing how many calories you burn and how much to consume.

  • If your goal to maintain the same weight then consume the same amount of calories that you burn.

  • If your goal to gain weight then consume more than you burn.

  • If your goal to lose weight then you must consume fewer calories than you burn.

BMR calculation Method:

The BMR formula uses the variables of height, weight, age, and gender to calculate the Basal Metabolic rate and also your Activity level- Sedentary, Light activity, Moderate activity, or very active.

The BMR can be calculated by entering the details mentioned above using online tools called BMR Calculator. I have attached a picture of a Simple tool which can be accessed online for knowing your BMR

So when you know your BMR the next step is to create a calorie deficit of about 300 - 500 calories per day which will result in 1-2 pounds weight loss per week.

A calorie deficit is not about following the aggressive methods like fasting or skipping the meal. The calorie deficit is also possible by being selective and switching to healthy food rather than consuming Junk foods which are detrimental.

4> Disciplined Eating: Many people are under impression that skipping a meal would be the solution for weight loss which may not be right and may affect adversely. The solution is to follow the guideline of disciplined eating.

  • Eat slowly: It takes about twenty minutes from the start of a meal for the brain to send out a signal that you are full. In order to eat slowly, you actually need to chew your food several times before swallowing it. The thumb rule is to chew your food 32 times before swallowing.

  • Maintain Carb, protein, and Fat ratio: Nutritionists recommend a ratio of 40% carbohydrate,30% protein, and 30% fat as a good target for Fat loss.

  • Switch from simple carbs ( Fast digesting foods like white rice, white bread, sweets ) to Complex carbs ( slow-digesting foods like brown rice, ragi, oats )

5> Follow daily exercise regime:

A daily fitness regime should be mandatory and setting aside an hour is a must if we intend to stay healthy and keep the weight in control.

The lifestyle today had made us to be very comfortable due to various facilities available at home or even at work. A classic example is we use lifts in place of stairs, there are machines to wash clothes and most of the work today is sedentary ( Working on computers ) and such facilities have really made us inactive and we are hardly expending the calories consumed.

I must say that you always have the option of selecting what activity suits you based on your age, gender, and lifestyle. Select a fitness of your choice which could be a brisk walk, running, cycling, weight training, swimming etc.

Yoga practice is something which I strongly recommend as you can stick to this regime consistently and it is very economic that you just need a yoga mat, a comfortable space, and your willingness to learn.

10 highly effective yoga pose for Weight loss:

I have given a list of powerful asanas that you can practice daily but as a beginner, it is a must to learn under the guidance of a yoga instructor in studios and the good news is you can practice yoga staying at home as there are online yoga classes which is as effective as studio classes.


Suryanamaskar is a workout that works on the whole body, one round of suryanamaskar consists of 12 poses that makes your body constantly bend forward and backward.

This constant movement makes your abdominal area to contract and stretch which enables fat reduction in the abdominal area. You can start with 5 sets initially and increase to as many as possible as you gain stamina.

2. Bhujangasana:

Bhujangasana in Sanskrit means serpent or cobra pose. This pose is incorporated in hatha yoga suryanamaskar to give a complete stretch to the posterior side of your body as well as the spine.

This is one of the best preparatory poses for advanced backbends like urdhwa dhanurasana, kapotasana, and laghu vajrasana. In this posture, lie flat on the floor keeping face downwards, lift the body up from the trunk and throw the head back like a serpent is about to strike.

3. Ardhanavasana:

Ardha Navasana is half and Nava is boat in Sanskrit. This pose is so-called as it appears to look like a boat. Ardha navasana is primarily done by yogis to tone the abdominal muscles and often suggested for people to reduce the abdominal fat.

This pose can be seen done by various athletes, bodybuilders, and other sports persons as it is an isometric bodyweight exercise.

Ardha navasana works on abs, diaphragm, hip flexors, and quads. This pose gives a very strong core which is very essential for day to day activities and also to excel in sports.

4. Utthita Parsvakonasana:

Utthita Parsvakonasana translates to Extended side angle pose.

This is a simple standing pose and requires a little flexibility hence can be practiced even by a beginner.

5. Salabhasana:

Salabhasana is a pose that resembles the locust ( a kind of grasshopper ) resting on the ground. This pose is practiced as a preparation for many backbends.

6. Parivrtta Trikonasana:

Parivrtta Trikonasana is a standing sequence that gives a deep spinal twist. Parivrtta means revolved and trikona in Sanskrit is triangle, the reason to call this pose triangle is the shape of the leg when this pose done appears like a shape of a triangle.

7. Dhanurasana:

Dhanurasana is a Sanskrit word and English translation is broken down as dhanu which means bow and asana is posture.

This pose looks like a bow placed on the floor and strings at the top. As when the pose is done the body lies on the floor and the ankles are held by both hands and pulled up to give this shape.

This pose is recommended for those who want to lose weight.

The pressure on the abdomen activates the abdominal organs and boosts the metabolism which in turn helps in reducing belly fat when practiced regularly with other asanas.

8. Virabhadrasana 3:

Virabhadrasana 3 or Warrior 3 pose is one of the standing yoga pose known to improve the physical strength and helps in reducing weight. This pose requires balancing on one leg while the torso and other leg is kept straight and parallel to the floor.

9. Marichyasana C:

Marichyasana is a pose that is done seated on Mat with one leg folded and the other outstretched. This pose is done by twisting the torso which gives a good amount of pressure on abdominal organs and activates them to work effectively.

The practice of this pose boosts metabolism and also improves digestion.

10. Bharadvajasana:

Bharadvajasana is a seated deep twisting pose that demands flexibility in the spine and knees. This pose has numerous benefits, but attempt this pose only after adequate warm-up is done.

Yoga is about self-discipline and consistent practice, your weight loss goals can be accomplished with regular practice of asana and proper diet.

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