Parivrtta is revolved, turned or twisted. Janu is Knee and Sirsa is head.
The leg position is the same as janusirsasana that is one leg is extended and the other is bent at knees.
This posture is a combination of twisting and flexibility, hence performed mostly by intermediate or advanced pupils.
In parivrtta janu sirsasana the trunk is twisted and the foot which is extended is firmly held by both the hands.
The back of the head is placed on the knee of the extended leg as seen in the picture.
Preparation before Practice:
Any asana we do must be performed after an adequate warmup of muscles involved and a few rounds of suryanamaskar is highly recommended.
The following preparatory postures can be mastered before one attempts to do this posture.
Preparatory Poses.
1. Janusirsasana
2. Paschimottanasana.
3. Marichyasana C.
4. Parivrtta Trikonasana.
5. Ardha kati chakrasana.
How to do Parivrtta Janu sirsasana:
1. Sit on the mat with both the legs stretched straight in front.
2. Bend the left knee and move it to the left, placing the outer side of the left thigh and the calf on the floor.
3. Place the left heel against the inner side of the left thigh near the perineum. The big toe of the left foot should touch the inner side of the right thigh. The angle between the two legs should be more than 90 degrees. Extend the left knee as far back as possible.
4. Twist the trunk to the left.
5. Stretch the right arm towards the extended right leg. Turn the right forearm and wrist so that the right thumb is pointing the floor and the right little finger points up. Then, with the right hand hold the inner sole of the right foot.
6. Throw the trunk back, stretch the left arm over the head keeping the wrist up, and with the left hand hold the outer side of the extended right foot. Here also the left thumb points to the floor and the little finger points up.
7. Bend and widen the elbows. Exhale, turn the trunk up, move the head in between the arms and rest the back of the head on the right knee. Try to touch the inner side of the right knee joint with the back of the right shoulder so that the back of the ribs on the right side rests on the right knee. Extend the bent left knee still further and stretch the left side of the ribs.
8. Maintain the pose for about 20 seconds. The breathing will be short and fast due to the contraction of the abdomen.
9. Inhale, release the hands, move the trunk back to its original position so that you face the extended right leg, raise the head and straighten the left leg to come to position 1.
10. Repeat the pose on the other side. Here bend the right knee and keep the left leg straight. Twist the trunk to the right until you face the bent right knee and extend the left arm towards the left foot. Then turn the left forearm and the left wrist so that the left thumb points the floor.
11. With the left-hand catch the inner side of the left foot, bring the right arm over the head, and catch the outer side of the left foot near the heel.
12. Then rest the back of the head on the left knee and try to touch the inner side of the left knee with the back of the shoulders so that the back of the left side ribs rests on the left knee and stretch the right side of the ribs.
13. Remain on this side for the same length of time.
Benefits of this Posture:
1. This pose stimulates the blood circulation in the spine and relieves the backache.
2. This pose stretches the abdominal organs which invigorates them.
3. Improves the flexibility of the spine.
4. Stretches the shoulders and improves the range of motion.
5. Helps to reduce the oblique fat and also the fat around the waist.
6. Boosts the metabolism and improves the functioning of the digestive system.
7. Improves the blood and lymphatic circulation.
8. Relieves mental stress.
1. People who have undergone any recent surgery must avoid this posture.
2. It is advisable to practice only under the guidance of an experienced yoga teachers.
This posture can be a part of several asanas that you perform in series and ensure you complete the asana practice by lying down at Shavasana in the end.