Parivrtta Trikonasana is a standing sequence which gives deep spinal twist. Parivrtta means revolved and trikona in Sanskrit is triangle, the reason to call this pose triangle is the shape of leg when this pose done appears like a shape of triangle. Asana is pose.
How to do parivrtta trikonasana:
1.Stand in Tadasana or mountain pose, take a deep inhalation and jump to right to spread the legs 3 to 31/2 feet wide apart. Raise your arms in line to the shoulders and parallel to the floor, keep your palms facing down.
2.Turn the right foot towards right which should be at an angle of 90 degrees to your left foot and then turn the left foot slightly towards right. Keep your left leg straight and tightened at knee for a better grip to balance.
3. Exhale rotate the torso (Upper body ) towards the right and bend forwards while twisting so as to bring your left palm on floor next to outer sole of your right foot.
4. Raise the right arm up straight pointing towards the ceiling and in line with your left arm
5. Stay in this position with even breathing and focus your right middle finger for about half a minute to one minute.
6.Inhale, lift the left hand placed on the floor and twist the upper body while coming up to normal position and keep your arms in line with shoulders as in position 1.
7. Now turn to the left and repeat the same sequence on other side and retain the pose for same length of time.
8. Come back to normal position that is tadasana.
Preparatory Pose:
This pose requires good flexibility in hamstrings and anterior side of your body hence the following asanas must be mastered before attempting this.
1. Padhahasthasana.
2. Trikonasana.
3. Uttanasana.
4. Padangusthasana.
1. People with lower back pain must take guidance of experienced teacher or must be done after full recovery from pain.
2. Person with knee pain must be very cautious while practicing this.
Benefits of this Pose:
1. This pose is known to relieve sciatic and Arthritic pain.
2. This pose helps to relieve from constipation.
3. Reduces the fat around the waist and hips.
4. Strengthens the leg muscles, knees and ankles
Energetic Benefits:
1. Relieves stress.
2. Improves focus.
The beginners may find it difficult to attain this pose due to lack of flexibility in legs and spine. You can place a block next to inner sole of your right foot so as to reduce the twist and bending to an extent which would allow you to stay in the pose as much you are flexible.
With step by step approach and daily practice you can gradually increase the twist and bending by keeping first the left fingertip next to right foot outer region and gradually workup to reach your palms completely on floor.