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Padmasana practice for beginners | Do padmasana or lotus posture step by step

This is one of the fundamental yoga poses which needs to be mastered by all who practice asana, padmasana or lotus pose requires flexibility in hips and knee joints.

The pupils who have stiffness in knees and hips must practice consistently to attain this posture.

The padmasana is usually done while one is practicing the pranayama and meditation.

The Word Padma in Sanskrit is lotus and asana is posture.

How to do padmasana:


As the padmasana stretches intensely the knee and hips, it is a must to warm up these muscles adequately especially for beginners.

The hip muscles can be warmed up by doing dynamic Badda konasana for several rounds.

The knee joints can be warmed up by placing the right foot on the crease of the left thigh and gently pressing the knee on the floor using the right palm. Repeat the same on the other side to warm up the left knee joint.

Practice of posture.

1. Sit on the mat keeping your legs outstretched. Bring the right foot on the left thigh so that the right heel is close to the navel and outer sole on the crease of your left thigh.

2. Now bring your left foot on the folded right leg and place the left foot on the right thigh and ensure the left heel is close to the navel and outer sole on the crease of the right thigh.

3. Keep your spine erect and adopt chin mudra by joining the tip of the thumb with the tip of the index finger for both hands.

4. Place the back of your wrist on knees and keep your arms straight.

5. Stay in this posture as long as you are comfortable and repeat the sequence on the other side.

( This time the left leg is first placed on the right thigh and then right leg on left thigh )

Contraindication and cautions:

1. People who have injured their ankle or knees and are still recovering must avoid this posture.

2. Padmasana should not be done in a hurry and without adequate warm-up.

Alternate method to Practice Padmasana:

If you find it difficult to do padmasana then first you can master Ardha padmasana or half-lotus posture.

After bringing the first leg into position, as described above, simply slip the lower leg under the upper and the foot to the outside of the opposite hip. If the upper leg knee doesn’t rest comfortably on the floor, support it with a thick folded blanket. As with its companion, be sure to work with both leg crosses for the same length of time during each practice session.

Benefits of padmasana:

1. Relieves stress.

2. Improves flexibility in knees and ankles.

3. Eases menstrual discomfort and sciatica

4. Some of the ancient text mentions that regular practice of padmasana destroys all diseases and awakens the dormant energy called kundalini.

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N Rohit
N Rohit
07 lug


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Whats The Benefit
Whats The Benefit
07 lug

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