Urdhva padmasana or also known as upward lotus is a yoga posture done in the ashtanga yoga finishing series followed by Sarvangasana. This posture must be attempted only when one is proficient in padmasana and Sarvangasana. This is one of the head low posture hence known to give all the benefits the same as one derive while performing shirshasana or Sarvangasana.
“Urdhva means upward and Padma is lotus and asana is posture”.
How to do Urdhva padmasana:
1. Lie down flat on a yoga mat with face up and on the back full length. Keep the hands a little away from the thighs.
2. Keep the legs stretched out, tightened at the knees. Place the hands by the side of the legs, palms down.
3. Take a few deep breaths. Exhale slowly and at the same time raise both legs together and bring them at a right angle to the body. Remain in this position and inhale, keeping the legs steady.
4. Exhale, again raise the legs further up by lifting the hips and back from the floor, pressing the palms gently against the floor.
5. When the whole trunk is raised off the ground, bend the elbows and place the palms on the ribs, resting the shoulders well on the floor. This position is called Sarvangasana.
6. Now bend the right leg at knees and place the right foot on root of the left thigh and bend the left leg at knees and place the left foot on the root of right thigh forming padmasana.
7. Bend the folded leg so that it is parallel to your face and place your hands on knees to support.
8. Stay in the posture for five deep breaths or half a minute.
Preparatory pose:
1. Sarvangasana.
2. Padmasana.
3. Halasana.
Follow up posture after urdhva padmasana
2.Uttana padasana
Benefits of Urdhva padmasana:
1. This pose may help in relieving the and even the chronic may disappear.
2. This posture gives relief from asthma, breathlessness, palpitation, bronchitis, and other throat ailments.
3. Regular practice of this asana eradicates common colds and nasal disturbances.
4. This pose is recommended for those suffering from menstrual troubles.
5. This pose activates the thyroid and parathyroid glands.
6. Urdhva padmasana purifies the anal and urinary channels, and causes the anterior section of the spinal column to become firm.
People suffering from high blood pressure should not attempt this pose.